Every once in a great while you meet someone really, really talented in an effortless, weird, fantastic sort of way. The sort of person you know you can accomplish most anything with because they possess limitless energy, they never give up, and they (somehow) believe anything is possible. In this case, that talent happens to take the form of a gifted designer, art director, Photographer, DP, and Director named Luis Peña. Luis' gift lies in his ability to see the world in the wide-eyed, holy-shit-this-is-amazing way that mostly only children do. This sort of purity of vision is rare indeed, and it allows him to notice things most people miss - like the small fragments of truth, beauty, and the unexpected that make up great film. He also enjoys candy orange slices, running ultra marathons, and sprinting blindly along the very thin line between triumph and disaster - especially if he can film it.